Saturday, June 13, 2009

I blog therefore I am...

My first attempt at my own blog. There's a bit of blogging on and the micro-blogging at Twitter, but now I can ramble on about whatever comes to mind.
And so, here I sit with blank canvas syndrome (something I'm working on getting past) trying to consider just what I want to say to the world.
Today was one of those days when I shoulda, oughta have taken pictures. I took Sarah for her first mani/pedi in honor of her upcoming culmination from fifth grade. She now has pale lavendar nails with tiny dotted white flowers. It's very subtle and appropriate for a young lady. Her mom and Lynne joined us and now we all have twinkly, sparkly toes. Her brother Danny came along too, having not read the memo about GIRLS day out.
Then it was off to lunch with Lynne's 4 year old twins who get cuter by the day. Otter entertained us by singing the alphabet song in her loudest voice, while PeeZee dined on his mac & cheese.
Then it was off to pick up my new purple specs which required repair after the lense popped out. They'd only been sitting at JCP Optical since February (okay... maybe I should have mentioned that I've been known to be a dork).
Now, I'm watching Sunset Boulevard for perhaps the fifteenth time.
Well, 'I'm ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille'.
Time to bid all sweet dreams!