The proverbial "spring cleaning" offers the obvious reward of a cleaner, tidier, better organized space. When you are organizationally challenged with slight rodent-like tendencies (okay, okay... I am something of a pack rat), there is also the possibility of rediscovering treasures.
Today as I was working toward my goal of decluttering my life, I uncovered several treasures. Among them were a large Olfa cutting mat, a package of textured poster board in vibrant colors, and scarlet hued organza ribbons. The highlight --> was finding a pencil and ink drawing I had done many years ago. It was a piece that I thought was lost in a flood one winter while I lived in Boston, so finding it was a wonderful surprise.
Recently, I've uncovered some other hidden treasures as I sort through my 'collections'. The best of the treasures aren't those that readily present themselves but the thoughts connected to the process and the items. I rediscovered my voice as a person with insights and thoughts to share. I rediscovered my vision as I reflect on why I purchased many of these materials. And I rediscovered my sense of purpose and accomplishment by setting a goal and sticking with it.
Perhaps the greatest treasure rediscovered today occurred while I was taking a break from my task. I was found by a dear friend on Facebook where he left a number which I called immediately. I am still surprised by how familiar his voice sounds after all the years.
I wonder if it is mere coincidence that I have been singing Dan Fogelberg's "Auld Lang Syne" for the past few weeks.